The Self-Worth Safari
How do we apply self-worth to life and work—particularly now that so many people are in transition? The Self-Worth Safari podcast is a series of conversations with a variety of professionals who lead, create, cajole, encourage, train, nurture self-worth with other people. You will hear a wide range of accents, voices and experience. Some work with the young, others with the experienced. Some have been through hard times. All are passionate and inspired by what they do. Listen, enjoy… and maybe join in?
The Self-Worth Safari
24 Things that Do Not Define Your Self-Worth
Life has a habit of creating conditions for our relationship with ourselves. In this short episode John Niland recaps 24 things that do not define our self-worth—even when some of them sound very "worthy" indeed!
For lots of useful self-worth resources, see www.SelfWorthAcademy.com
You can also follow John on Tiktok: see johnselfworth.